Scale & Polish

Scaling and polishing are routine dental procedures that play a crucial role in oral hygiene.

Scaling removes tartar and plaque build-up from the tooth surface and beneath the gum-line, while polishing helps remove stains and smoothens the tooth surface.

Our experienced dental professionals use advanced tools for scaling to gently remove plaque and tartar. Following this, we polish your teeth using a special paste that leaves your teeth feeling smooth and looking shiny and clean.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A Scale and Polish is a professional dental cleaning procedure. It involves scaling to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth, particularly areas hard to reach with regular brushing, followed by polishing to remove surface stains and smooth the enamel.

  • Most patients experience little to no discomfort during the procedure. If you have sensitive teeth or gums, let us know, and we can take extra steps to ensure your comfort, such as using a topical anesthetic.

  • It's generally recommended to have a Scale and Polish every six months. However, depending on your oral health, we might suggest a different frequency. Regular cleanings are crucial for maintaining good dental health.

  • This procedure is suitable for almost everyone, especially those looking to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent gum disease and tooth decay. It's also beneficial for those who want to remove surface stains and achieve a brighter smile.

  • A typical Scale and Polish takes about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the condition of your teeth and gums. We ensure thorough cleaning without rushing, prioritizing your dental health.

  • While regular brushing and flossing are essential, they can't remove all the plaque and tartar, especially below the gumline. Scale and Polish clean these hard-to-reach areas, preventing gum disease and tooth decay.

  • The cost varies depending on individual needs and the condition of your teeth and gums. We offer transparent pricing and can provide a detailed estimate during your consultation. We also accept various insurance plans and offer payment options.

  • While Scale and Polish effectively remove surface stains, leading to a brighter smile, it's not a whitening treatment. If you're interested in more dramatic whitening, we can discuss additional cosmetic options.

  • Post-procedure, you might experience slight sensitivity, which typically subsides within a few hours. Your teeth will feel smoother and cleaner. We'll also provide aftercare advice to maintain your oral hygiene.

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Ready to have a healthier smile?

New patients can receive a comprehensive dental examination, thorough cleaning, and an optional x-ray scan – all for just $199.